freelance creative & art director
Born the son of a producer, I was interested in and fascinated by the world of advertising from an early age. I have been travelling in this world for almost 30 years now and have never regretted it. Because you can stay curious your whole life long.
2013 - 2022
Executive Creative Director
setup GmbH, München
Burger King Deutschland | within | Alpenhain
2010 - 2013
Creative Director
interone GmbH, München
BMW | BMW Group | Schweppes | Orangina | Burger King
2007 - 2009
Senior Art Director
.start Werbeagentur GmbH, München
BMW | BMW Motorsport | BMW Lifestyle |
2004 - 2007
Senior Art Director
FJR Werbeagentur GmbH, München
Paulaner | Löwenbräu | Bamboo Garden | Kattus | Südzucker | Houdek
2001 - 2004
Art Director
Heye und Partner GmbH, Unterhaching
McDonald’s Deutschland
1998 - 2001
Grafiker / Art Director
Jung von Matt AG, Hamburg |
Deutsche Post | Sixt | Deutsche Bahn | Benson & Hedges | Jever | Bild | Ballantines
RG Wiesmaier, München
Maßmann Neuser, München
Sportive Werbeagentur, Martinsried
I grew up with print. In my first internship there was neither a computer nor the internet. Then, in 1994, I was the 20year old guy at Sportive who could use Photoshop 2.0
My university of applied sciences title is "Diplom-Designer". I can do any kind go corporate stuff, from the logo to the rubber stamp.
Facebook, Insta, Youtube, TikTok. However, I prefer to hold back on tik tok. For some channels you might be a bit too old, uh, wise.
TV / Motion
I can handle any kind of motion with productions. And I am also able to do some motion graphics or cuts in premiere and after effects. Not for TV, but for layout, web banners oder SoMe.
I'm not a Gamer. But I learned how to concept and design small, funny online games for BK. And I am still proud of the halloween over head jump and run.
I love writing headlines. But I'm not a copywriter. That's why I prefer to ask someone whether the headline is really good. And better no long copy.
I understand online. And I can design websites in XD oder Photoshop for desktop and mobile. But I can’ program. Forget it, because I don't want it either.
Some designers say that packaging is something completely different. I would say, it’s not.
Signets, Logos, Symbols and even POS or industrial fair. But no comic, no character design or professional storyboards.